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Exhibitor Information

Adult Entertainment Facilities & Tools, Novelties, Love Products

Zhongshan CLM Plastics Co., Ltd


Booth no.


Floor Plan



Our factory and sale team are mostly made up of young people, with clear differentiation in Design/Mold/Production process/photography. In addition, we are also internet savvy, and internet thinking permeates our entire company and even every corner.

Internet sales is the mainstream model nowadays. Analyzing users' profiles from Google, designing products according to users' preferences and taking compelling pictures are the purpose of our work. In general, our products are more likely to bring traffic and orders to your website.

We have 5 years of manufacturing experience, with industry leading production efficiency and technology. Lightweight staffing combined with leading technology, low cost and high quality products give you an edge in sales.

1. 我們工廠擁有年輕且富有活力的團隊,在模具開發和生產流程方面擁有豐富經驗,與其他品牌在產品設計和攝影方面形成差異化。這種年輕創新與經驗相結合,使我們能夠創造出市場上脫穎而出的優質產品。

2. 在當今數字時代,網路銷售成為主流模式,我們表現出色。透過科技分析顧客需求和喜好,我們的產品能快速成為顧客鍾愛之物,為您的網站帶來大量流量和訂單。我們精通網路行銷,確保產品接觸廣大受眾,提升您網站的知名度和銷售量。

3. 我們獨特的眼光和對細節的關注,造就了高品質、美觀的產品。與我們合作,您不僅獲得流量和訂單,更重要的是良好的口碑和客戶信任。

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